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Mike Stanley

To Lease, or Not to Lease!

Our industry is incredible. We've talked about this before; the incredible diversity of people, places, environments, challenges, successes, failures, and impact of our industry is indescribable.

Our industry also changes. It changes fast!

Fewer are the days where the economics of the oil and gas exploration world supported #creative growth. There was a time where IOC's would share the risk with the service providers to push a little further; whether technically, or in pure capability. This top down push to grow also spurred a network of support and opportunity in training, research and development, innovation, process improvement, and safety improvement. Growth and ambition creating more growth and ambition. Amazing!

A lot of that has changed now, replaced by tighter monetary policy, and risk aversion. We can't be upset - it's the product of the environment we find ourselves in.

We like to watch the market, and we like to #findsolutions. Something we have noticed over the last 3-4 years was the quiet exit of the existing #seismic #leasing providers. And who could blame them? The business model was speculative, labour intensive (think of the kilometres of cables that were repaired, shipped, tested, spooled, again and again)and volatile!

We've noticed that the leasing market has changed. We've noticed that the leasing market is under-serviced. We've noticed there are some new opportunities in this space.

So, we are taking small, measured steps to try to support the market. With the huge reduction of geophysical cables - replaced by more cableless nodes and single sensors, we've taken an opportunity to enter this #seismic #leasing market. We have replaced the fixed cost of a dedicated cable maintenance and testing team - by negotiating strategic, project based maintenance agreements around the world.

We are excited to continue to grow, to continue to support market partners, and to continue to contribute to this amazing #geophysical industry.

Check out for the updated list of available equipment in our inventory.

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